The goal of the article is a discovery of the variants of sports games and methods of their teaching in the epoch of the Sasanides. In the author`s opinion, the system of state ruling, personal qualities of a governor, state leaning on people`s traditions, the system of communication under the Sasanides resemble more that one that existed under the Akhemenides than under the Ashkanides. In the years of padishah Shopur`s ruling there existed special schools which imbued young men with valiance and war spirit. Nurslings were taught spear fencing, darting, bow shooting, riding. Warriors competed in hand wrestle and other examples of battle art; it is patent that in the epoch under consideration physical culture and sports were of great importance in the life of society. The author comes to the conclusion than modern traditions of sportsmen`s rearing in Tajikistan are traced back to the historic roots laid in ancient epochs.
tuition to games and their development, sports games in the period of governance, bow shooting, spear darting, chess-plays under the Sasanides, national sports games in Tajikistan
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