The Journal «Bulletin of TSU LBP. Series of Humanitarian Sciences» is edited since 2000. Before January 2015 the journal published articles under such rubriques as «Jurisprudence»‚ «Economics»‚ «Politology and Sociology»‚ «Social Sciences and Philosophy»‚ «Philology»‚ «Methods of Teaching»‚ «References and Reviews».
In accordance with RF ESM (Education and Science Ministry)‚ order № 793 from July 25‚ 2014‚ the journal is divided into two series: series of social sciences and series of humanitarian sciences.
For modern humanitarian researches of world standard two things are important: 1) applied character of explorations; 2) interdisciplinary approach to the choice of themes‚ modes and methods of explorations. In the world of humanitarian sciences that scientific knowledge is in the greatest demand with the help of which one can improve social life of concrete people‚ concrete settlements‚ concrete cultural groups‚ ethnoses and religions. Balanced development of society also directly depends on a humanitarian constituent irrespective of social life spheres. Humanitarian knowledge and enlightenment are especially important in formation of young people`s individuality‚ in extension of their outlook and caliber‚ in elevation of general culture standard and in framing of active position.
The principal streamlines of ««Bulletin of TSU LBP. Series of Humanitarian Sciences» » are aimed at elucidation of new scientific quests in the realms of history and archeology‚ philosophy‚ literary criticism and linguistics. The most important goal the editorial board and the editorial council are faced with is a maintenance of a high scientific standard of the materials published which would reflect the most actual problems of our country and the contemporary world‚ carry a charge of creative ideas‚ serve the cause of the development in regard to science and enlightenment. The publications of the journal reflect the steadfastly augmenting role of humanitarian sciences in the preparations of high qualification specialists.
The editorial board of the journal pursues the aim of publication of scientific articles oriented on a solution of applied humanitarian problems discovered by scientists by dint of the modernest modes and methods. The role of humanitarian knowledge in educational process‚ in scientific creation‚ just as in modernization of today`s Tajikistan‚ is exclusively high.
To be knowledgeable for one`s own roots‚ world and home history is of no less importance for the growing generation. Therefore‚ the journal publishes the results of original scientific researches and surveys on the most actual problems of home history‚ archeology‚ ethnography‚ source study‚ historiography; it implements also a publication of archival materials which were non-available in scientific circulation beforehand.
In the branch of philosophy the journal publishes the articles of home and foreign experts working in such domains as history and philosophy of science‚ culturology‚ religious studies‚ philosophy of law‚ ethics and other branches of philosophical sciences.
In the branch of philology the journal publishes linguistic articles having juridical‚ economic‚ historical‚ ethnographic-ethological and diplomatic peculiarities. They dwell mostly on such linguistic issues‚ as lexical-semantic‚ structural-semantic‚ morphological‚ syntactical‚ correlative-typological‚ etymological and other peculiarities of diverse languages‚ Persian‚ Romanic-Germanic and Slavonic groups of languages inclusive; Iranian-Arabic mutual influence being canvassed at different linguistic levels.
The journal is included into the Inventory of leading reviewed scientific editions issued in the Russian Federation; major results of dissertations claiming for doctoral degree being bound to be published in them [«Inventory of Higher Attestation Commission» (HAC)] as well.