The article is a research concerned with the activity of the bodies pertaining to the Procurator`s office and aimed at the surveillance over legality observance related to rendering help to front and to the families of war participants. Proceeding from diverse sources and, first of all, from archival materials, the authors have analyzed the issues dealing with such items as: dispatch of presents to the front, rendering help to the families of war participants, month campaigns aimed at rendering the help in question, collection of material values and monetary resources on the part of the population for the front, elicitation of the facts of embezzlement and state resources wasting in regard to the things and food stuffs collected. The authors summarized the questions dealing with surveillance activities effectuated by the Procurator`s office bodies and aimed at rendering help to the front, strengthening of the rear, combat with breakers of discipline, observance of the rights of the families whose members fought against the enemy, social insurance of the persons directly engaged in defence capability of the country.
Great Patriotic War, procurator`s office, prosecutor`s surveillance, help to front, presents for front, families of war participants
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