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On the History of Formation, Preservation and Usage of Book Funds of Sughd Viloyat Libraries for the Period of 1970 - 1990


Umarova M. S.


The article is aimed at the demonstration of the history concerned with formation and development of library business in Tajikistan Republic; the example of Sughd viloyat libraries referring to the period of 1970 - 1990 being assumed as a leading point. Formation and measures aimed at a preservation of book funds are a key issue in a work of any library as a social institute irrespective of a departmental appurtenance. A formation of a fund nucleus of a mass library occupies a central place in the work connected with the issue in question. Social functions of mass libraries as ideological, cultural-enlightening and scientific-informational institutions can be carried out successfully. Enhancement and succession of spiritual legacy, its imbibition by future generations were always considered as a foundation for education of universally developed individuals for benefit and efflorescence of each nation and state.


formation, preservation, library funds, needs, fund nucleus, information


1.      Bibliographical Model of Mass Library Fund Nucleus: Bibliographical Index. – M., 1989. – 269 pp.

2.      Library Business. Bibliography. Tajik Book History: collection of articles. Compilers: Goibnazarov S.N.‚ Yunusov A.Yu., Kozyreva L.G. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 1981. – 131 pp.

3.      The History of Cultural Building in Tajikistan. 1917-1977. V.2 / Editor-in-charge Marsakov K.P. - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1983. – 472 pp.

4.      Our Pride. Compilers: Solidjanov N., Khodjazod M. – Khujand, 1997. – 118 pp.

5.      The Report of Leninabad Central Library System (CLS) for 1978 // Current archive of Khujand viloyat public library named after Toshkhodja Asiri. File #3. – sheets 7-11.

6.      The Plan of Basic Arrangements of the Culture Managerial Office of the Executive Committee under Leninabad Oblast People`s Deputies Council for 1987. – Leninabad, 1987. – 14 pp.

7.      The Order of Culture and Cinema Managerial Office of the Executive Committee under Leninabad Oblast People`s Deputies Council from 22.02.1999 // State Archive of Sughd Viloyat. -F.220. -Inv.12. -Case375. -Sh.53.

8.      Leading Materials on Library Business: Reference Book / under the editorship of V.V. Serov. – M.: Book, 1975. – 224 pp.

9.      The Certificate on the Work of Leninabad CLS Concerned with Observance of Legislation Requirements in Library Business for the first Semester of 1980 / Sughd Viloyat State Archive (SVSA). – F.82. – Inv. 34. – C.1186. – Sh.45.

10.  Stolyarov Yu. N. Library: Structural-Functional Approach. – M.: Book, 1981. – 256 pp.

11.  Textual Yearly Report on the Work of Leninabad Town Libraries for 1971 // SVSA. – F.220. – Inv.12. –C.60. – Sh.2.

Publication date

Monday, 18 January 2016