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The View upon Publicistic Works of Loik Sherali


Radjabov Bokhir Mukammilovich


The article dwells on a scientific comprehension of publiscistic articles of the Tajik poet Loik Sherali reflecting the important process of national building; the latters having become a spiritual basis in the cause of an upsurge of national self-consciousness and formation of national identity in the first years of national independence. The authors elucidated the ideas and suggestions of Loik Sherali as a genuine champion for national independence on all the aspects and trends concerned with the formation of statehood; the issue of preservation of Tajik language purity and its role in consolidation of national sovereignty being highlighted intensively.


modern Tajik literature, Loik Sherali`s prose, publicistics, language statal status, linguistic problems, purity of language


1. Abdullo S. Non-Sleeping Conscience of Literature // Sun Elegy. –Moscow, 2001. – pp. 274-308.

2. Gaffarov U. Loik Sherali. –Khujand: Man-of-Letters, 2012.

3. Vakhobov. Issues of Literary Tajik Language Building in the 20-ies – the 90-ies of the XX-th Century // Book 4 (Disputes around the statal status of the Tajik language ( the 80-ies – the 90-ies). – Khujand‚ 2014‚ – 590 pp.

4. Sherali L. Leninabad Navruz // Komsomolets Tajikistana (Member of Tajikistan Comsomol). – 1967, March 18.

5. Sherali L. About New Customs and Traditions // Komsomolets Tajikistana. – 1967. –June 7.

6. Sherali L.The Tajik Language Must Acquire Statehood Status // Sovetsky Tajikistan (Soviet Tajikistan). -1988, December 24.

7. Sherali L. Inseparable Part of National Value // Sovetsky Tajikistan, 1988, December 28.

8. Sherali L. Eternal Heritage // Somon. -1991, June 19.

9. Sherali L. et alia. Who is the Owner of Language? Djumkhuriyat (Republic). – 1994, September 3.

10. Sherali L. Introduction to the Present Book. – M. Shakuri. Here is Khorasan!. – Dushanbe: Oli Somon (the great Somoni), 1997. –p.2.

11. Sherali L. The Passport of Nation: National Language is our Wealth, we Shall Keep it in Purity and Respect it! // Nigokh (View). -2012, March.

12. Shukurov M. Who Is Helpless in His Own Language? // Literaturnaya Gazeta (Newspaper on Literature). - 1988‚ December 14.

Publication date

Tuesday, 30 June 2015