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Reflection of Tajiks` Material Culture in “Four Discourses” by Nizami Aruzi Samarkandi


Burkhonov Saidorif Saidmukhammadovich


Proceeding from the analysis of some short stories from Nizami Aruzi Samarkandi`s treatise “Four Discourses”, the  author of the article elicits the elements  of Tajiks` material culture of the X-th – the XIII-th centures. They are grouped on the following branches of material culture according to their appurtenance: architectural monuments and dwellings, clothes, labour tools, home utensils, ammunition, jewellery and etc.The author presumes that in spite of Samarkandi`s data on the issue in question being quite scanty and fragmental, as elucidation of material culture is no central objective of his treatise, certain information related to this field is unique and doesn`t occur in any other originals. Just due to this fact the treatise can be considered as the most important source for studying various aspects of Tajiks` material culture.


Chakhor Makolas (four discoures); Nizami Aruzi Samarkandi, material culture, architectural art, craftsmanship


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2. Baevsky S.I. Vorozheykina Z.N. “Collection of Rarities by Nizami Aruzi Samarkandi as the Source  on the History of  Culture of Middle Asia and Iran  of the X-th – XII-th Centries. // “Palestinian Collection.”Leningrad: Science, 1970. –pp. 34-35.

3. Gafurov B. Tajiks: the Ancientest, Ancient and  Mediaeval Histories // B. Gafurov. –Dushanbe: Cognition, 2010.-870 pp.

4.Collection of Rarities / Nizami Aruzi Samarkandi: under the editorship of Mukhammad Kazvini. –Tehran: Debo, 1372 hijra. -160 pp.

5. Tajik Language Interpretation Dictionary. Compilers: S. Nazarzoda, A. Sanghinov, Kh. Raufzoda. –Dushanbe: The Institute of Literature Named after Rudaki, 2010. V.1., 960 pp. V.2. 945 pp.

6. Kholiki, Abdukholik. On the History of Culture and Ethnography of Tajiks of the X-th-XIII-th Centuries. –Khujand. State Publishing-House named after Rahim Djalil, 2000. -184 pp.

Publication date

Tuesday, 30 June 2015