The article is an endeavour of analysis concerned with some works of the classics of Tajik philosophical ideas – Avitsenna (Ibn Sino), Ibn Arabi, Averoes (Ibn Rushd), Mukhammad upon the issues related to status and role of woman, housekeeping, “home building”. Basic attention is paid to the aspects associated with the problems of masculinity and femininity, statuses of men and women, relations between them. The author of the article shows that the mediaeval Moslemic philosophy created its own theory of human beings reproduction where woman wasn`t entitled to the major functions, the latters being unreservedly given to man, though it should be vice versa, as in other societies. It is elicited that the paradigm of representations about the masculine and the feminine in the mediaeval Moslemic philosophy was grounded on the viewpoint that woman was a secondary creature, it`s a “matter”, material for a “form”- masculine initiation assigned for spirutualizing lower matter. The tenets of mediaeval thinkers proceed exerting great influence upon the development of philosophical, juridical, social and religions ideas and also upon social consciousness of people all over Central Asia. Just due to that the ideas formulated by these thinkers are extraordinarily important for understanding modern gender representations and comprehension of gender measurements in reference to the Tajik culture.
mediaeval Tajik philosophy, gender representations, mediaeval society, representations about place and role of woman, woman`s sexuality
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