The article dwells on the peculiarities of compound complex sentences‚ the standard of their having been studied; these are ruminations dealing with CCSs from the point of view of Russian and Tajik linguists who consider their syntactical peculiarities‚ the role of conjunctions in their formation; scientists differentiate between closed and open models. The author adduces examples from the literary productions created both by modern men-of-letters and classics.
compound complex sentences‚ uniting conjunctions‚ location of conjunctions‚ centers of predicativity‚ opened and closed models‚ ellipsis‚ reiterated words
1. Valghina N.S. Syntax of Modern Russian: manual for higher students studying journalism. V.2. – M.‚ 1978. – 278 pp.
2. Beloshapkova V.A. Compound Sentence in Modern Russian (some issues of theory). – M.: Enlightenment‚ 1967. – 176 pp.
3. Rustamov Sh. Compound-Complex Sentences. – The Soviet School‚ 1979‚ №11. – рр. 6-12.
Belles-Letters Originals
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2. Aini‚ Sadriddin. The Slaves. - Stalinabad: Tajikistan State Publishing House‚ 1950.
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4. Aini‚ Sadriddin. Reminiscences. - Stalinabad: Tajikistan State Publishing House‚ 1949.
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7. Aini‚ Sadriddin. The Orphan. – Stalinabad. Tajikistan State Publishing House. 1957.
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9. Ikromi‚ Djalol. The Daughter of Fire. - Stalinabad: Tajikistan State Publishing House‚ 1962.
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12. Leninabad Diary of Events. // 19.05. 1996.
13. Teacher`s Diary // 09.01.1995.
14. Teacher`s Diary // 23. 09. 1993.
15. Tolis‚ Pulot. Narratives and Short Stories. – Dushanbe: Cognition‚ 1966.
16. Tursunzoda‚ Mirzo. Collection of Works. Part II. – Stalinabad. Tajikistan State Publishing House, 1981.
17. Ulugzoda‚ Sotim. Navobod. - Stalinabad: Tajikistan State Publishing House‚ 1954.
18. Ulugzoda‚ Sotim. The Morn of our Youth. - Dushanbe: Cognition‚ 1967.
19. Ulugzoda‚ Sotim. Firdavsi. - Dushanbe: Cognition‚ 1976.
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