The article dwells on the studies of archery evolution through visual sources of antiquity and Early Middle Ages. The author analyzes in details the original base: depictions of archery in petroglyphs, bas-reliefs, wall painting, vase painting and tauretics. She gives brief characteristics of archery types and kinds spread in the areas of habitation connected with Aryans, later on – Iranian-speaking tribes and nationalities, ancestors of the Tajik people. The author used a certain quantum of depictive sources appertaining to Aryan period, epochs of Akhemenids and Sasanids, Early Middle Ages of Central Asia. The article includes battle scenes, those ones of hunt with utilization of different types of archery. Proceeding from the available depictions, you can trace back archery evolution comprising the range of simple variants up to complicated ones with fastidious structure. Designing on the premise of the materials dealt with the author comes to the conclusion about an important contribution of Iranian peoples into the art of archery being a part of world culture. м вкладе иранских народов в развитие стрельбы из лука и в мировую культуру в целом.
invention of archery, archery and arrows, visual sources, Aryan archery, archers, scenes of hunt, archeries of the Varorud
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