The author highlights the history of changes which took place within the ruling dynasty in Iran in the first half of the XVIII-th century. In his article the author discloses the complicated history of Iran; in particular, Khuroson referring to the period in question when an important military-political events connected with the decline of the dynasty of the Sefevids took place and rising to power of the representative of the tribe of Afsharids – Nodirshakh. Resorting to written sources he summarizes comprehensively crisis phenomena, feudal and religious dissensions which took place under the last governors of the Sefevids. The author reveals reasons and consequences of Afghans` and Ottoman Turks` innovasion into Turbs invasijn the territory of Iran. D. Nazarov analyzes geopolitical interests of Russia in the coastal region of Caspiy; he summarizes the information concerned with the struggle of the Iranian people against foreigner invaders. Special attention is paid to the issues of political struggle for central power in Iran.
history of Iran, Sefevids` dynasty, decline of Sefevids, rising to power of Afsharids, military-political situation, Khoroson, Central Asia, the first half of the XVIII-th century
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