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Medical Terminology in «Donish-Name» Kadarkhon Dictionary


Ghiyasov Nurullo Ismatovich, Nizomidinova Rukhsora Abdujamilovna,


The article dwells on medical terms registered by the Persian-Tajik Interpretation Dictionary of the XV-th century «Donishnomai Kadarkhon» by Foruki. The given dictionary is one of the ancientest Persian ones; the bulk of the vocabulary being medical terms. The dictionary author-compiler had a goal to comment upon medical terms alongside with those ones pertaining to building, poetics, culture, etc. 80 lexical units refer to human body parts. Medical terms are divided into the following parts: those ones designating human body parts, names of diseases, words designating man`s plight. Due to the dictionary many Tajik-Persian medical terms have preserved up to nowadays.


Persian-Tajik interpretation Dictionary, «Donishnoma-i Kadarkhon», medical terms, diseases, medicine, phitonims, doctoring


1.      Asadii Tusi. Lughati Furs. Intoduction, preparation of the text, appendices, indication by N. Ghiyosov. - Khujand: Light of Education, 2015. – 492 pp.

2.      Bayevski S.I. Early Persian Lexicography (XI - XV cc.) / S.I. Bayevski. –M.:Science, 1989. – 168 pp.

3.      Balyoni, Takiuddin Avhadi. Syrma-I Sulaymoni. Compiler, author of the introduction, commentaries: F. Ghiyasova / Takiuddin Avhadi Balyoni. – Khudjand: Light of  Education, 2006. – 486 pp.

4.      Dekhudo, Aliakbar. Lugatnoma (dictionary). Tough  disc / Aliakbari Dekhudo. –Tehran University, 1387 hijra.

5.      Kapranov V.A. Tajik-Persian Lexicography in India in the XVI-th – the XIX-th cc. / V.A. Kapranov. – Dushanbe: Knowladge, 1987. – 224pp.

6.      Muin, Muhammad. Muin Dictionary. - Tehran: Mohrukh Dictionary, 1382 hijra, in two volumes.

7.      Muhammadhusayn Burhon. Burhoni Qote`. Text preparation‚ introduction‚ commentaries and indications: Amon Nurov. – Dushanbe: Adib, 1993, V.1. – 416 pp.

8.      Muhammadhusayn Burhon. Burhoni Qote`. Text preparation‚ introduction‚ commentaries and indications: Amon Nurov. – Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 2004, V.2. – 424 pp.

9.      Ubahi Hafiz. Present to Friends / Critical analysis of the text, introduction, commentary and catalogues by Kh. Raufzade / Hafiz  Ubahi. – Dushanbe: Cognition, 1992. – 288pp.

10.  Dictionary of the Tajik Language. In two volumes. Soviet Encyclopedia‚ 1969. – 948 pp.

11.  Interpretation Dictionary of the Tajik Language. Volume 1 / Under the editorship of S.Nazarzoda, A. Sanghinov, S. Karimov, M. Sulton. – Dushanbe, 2008. – 950pp.

12.  Fahruddin Muborakshokh Kavvas Gaznavi. (Cavvas Dictionary) /  Compilers of the text, authors of the  introduction, commentaries and catalogue: M.Khodjayev and S.Saidov / F.Gaznavi. – Khudjand: Light of Education, 2003. – 294pp.

13.  Al-Faruki, Ashraf ibyi Sharaf al-Muzakkir. Donishname-i Kadar-khan (Kadar-khan`s  book of knowledge. Faxsimile text. Compilers, authors of the introduction and commentaries: N.I. Ghiyasov and R.A. Nizamiddinov / Ashraf ibn Sharaf al Muzakkir al-Faruki. – Khudjand: Noshir, 2013. – 512 pp.

14.  Muhammadhusayn Khalaf-i Tabrezi. Burhon-i Qote`. Revised by Dr. Muin. In five volumes. – Tehran: Amir-i Kabir (Great Amir), 1357 hijra.

  15. Divan (Collection of Compositions) of ustod Asjadii Marvazi. Corrected and commented by Tohiri Shihob. – Tehran: Ibni Sino publishing-house, 1348 hijra

Publication date

Thursday, 30 June 2016