The article deals with the problem of women's sports in the Republic of Tajikistan. Statistics shows that Tajikistan has a very low percentage of women's participation in sports. In Tajikistan a project is being developed to activate women's sports. The author adduces data on the achievements of Tajikistan women in archery. In the Soviet period sportswoman from Tajikistan - Z. Rustamova became the first lady to be a prize-winner of the world championship and the Olympic Games in archery. Multiple winners of the tournaments were G.Pulatova, N.Nabieva, L.Sattorova, F.Zubaydova, L.Valikhodjaeva, etc. Women's bow sport of Tajikistan has a great potential for rapid development. Proceeding from historic experience, the author believes bow sport to be the most convenient kind for an active involvement of women into a development of Tajik sports.
history of sports, archery, women's sport, archers-women of Tajikistan, prospects of development
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