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Imaginative Perception of the Meeting Between Virgin Maria and Djabrail in Djalaladdin Rumi’s Poem


Abdujabborova Madina Abdufayozovna


The article dwells on the analysis of the image of Maryam (the Blessed Virgin Maria) in the famous literary  production belonging to one of the outstanding classic authors of the Persian – Tajik literature Djalaladdin Rumi “Masnavi Manavi” (“The Poem about the Concealed Sense”) The author canvasses the peculiarities of imaginative treatment in reference to the  Blessed Virgin Maria, special attention is paid to creative use of the Koranic text in “Masnavi”; biblical parables being adduced as well. The article is built on the analysis and translation of the abundant material contained in the poem “Masnavi Manavi”. Several beyts serve as examples for a disclosure of an imaginative function dealing with the image of Maryam (Maria). The author comes to the conclusion that in “Masnavi Manavi” Rumi creates the heartfelt image of Maryam, he underscores that this image enriched historical literature, religions and belles – lettres works; it personifies a lot of dignities being a paragon for Christians, Jews and Muslims. 


Djalaladdin Rumi, “Masnavi Manavi”, the Koran, the image of Maryam (Maria), the Blessed Virgin, Iso (Jesus), Djabrail


1. Freyer Barbara Stowasser. Women in the Qur’an Traditions and Interpretation. New York and Oxford: University Press, 1994. – 210 pp.

2. Shimmel, Annemari. Jesus and Maria in Islamic Religious Gnosticism (Russian translation from the Persian version belonging to Mokhammad – Khoseyn Khadzhezade being done by Dmitry Bibayev ), 2012. -134 pp.

3. Shimmel, Annemari. The World of Islamic Misticim// translation from English by N.I. Prigarina and A.S. Rapoport. The 2-nd edition, revised and enlarged. – M.: “Sadra” Assos. Ltd., 2012. -536 pp.

4. Rumi, Djalaladdin Mukhaman. Masnavi Manavi  (“The Poem about the Concealed Sense”). Daftars 1-6 (translation from Persian by O.F. Akimushkin, Yu. A. Ioannesyan, B.V. Norik, A.A. Khismatulin, O. M. Yastrebova) (general scientific recension and indications by A. A. Khismatulin). – Spb.: Saint- Petersburg. Saint – Petersburg Oriental Studies, -2007-2012.

5. Krachkovsky I.Yu. The Koran // Translation and Commentaries. The

2-nd edition. – M.: Science. 1986.- 730 pp. 

6. Alyauddinov Shamil. Meaningful Translation of the Koran. – M.: Dilya, 2011. -784 pp.

7. Kasas-al-Anbiyo (Compilers: S. Makhmadullokh, A.M. Abdusattor, S.I.Akhror, Amriddini Dj). – Dushanbe: Oriyono, 1991.- 400pp.

8. The Bible, the Books of Holy Writ Titled as Old Testament and New Testament in Russian Translation. – M., 1992. - 292 pp.

9. Atiki Nishopuri Abubakr. “ Surobodi” Commentaries // in 5 volumes. New edition. Corrections by Said Serdjoni. – Tehran: Enlightenment, 1381 hijra (in Persian)

10. Abdulfazl Rashiduddin Maybudi. Kashf-ul-Asror va Uddat-ul-Abror // in 10 volumes. The Great Amir. Corrections by Aliasgari Khikmat. – Tehran:  Enlightenment, 1376 hijra. 

Publication date

Tuesday, 28 November 2017