The article dwells on the problems of the structure of administrative management with Kokand khanate and the role of Tajiks in it. It is underscored that the data adduced by Mukhammad Khakimkhan are distinguished with authenticity and accuracy as the author of the manuscript was a member of the tsar family and took a direct participation, though not a long one, in state management. Special attention is paid to organization of new troops out of Karateghinians, Shugnans, Darvazes, Rushanians and other Tajiks in the epoch of Alimkhan`s governance; in historical compositions the formers were called “mirbacha” (emir`s warriors), “bekbacha” (bek`s soldiers). The activity of military leader Rajab-kushbeghi; Tajik by origin, is elucidated comparably in particulars as he made a great contribution into the consolidation of central power in the khanate.
history of Central Asia in the XIX-th century, “Muntahab-ut-Tavorikh” (selected stories) by Mukhammad Khakimkhan, emir Alimkhan, emir Umarkhan, Rajab-kushbeghi, devonbeghi
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12. Reminiscences of Mukhammad Khokimhon about Russia (transference from Arabic into Tajik and Cyrillic, preparation of the text, preface, glossary, indices, supplement by Abdukarimov Dj.// Dj. Abdukarimov. – Khujand: Editor, 2013. – 104 pp.