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The Mechanism of Development of Russian-Tajik Relations in the Field of Labour Migration


Aliyeva Rafoat Rashidovna


      The article dwells on the Tajik-Russian collaboration in the field of migration. Proceeding from a broad range of originals a part of which is introduced into a scientific circulation, the author speaks about the measures aimed at an improvement of a legal base concerned with laboring migrants’ sojourn in Russian Federation. The emphasis is laid upon the activities of public associations and cultural centers of Tajiks on labour migrants’ rights and interests advocacy in RF. The author expounds an inference running to the effect that the problems of laboring migrants from Tajikistan require creation of optimal conditions for their working activity in the country of sojourn, improvement of legislation related to the migration, transformation of social  consciousness on the part of Russian citizens concerning problems of migration, changing of bearings and psychology of migrants themselves must be involved too. 


migration of Tajikistan citizens, laboring activity, advocacy of rights, legal regulation, social support, registration of  migrants, public associations 


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Publication date

Monday, 27 November 2017