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On Water Supply System and Some Engineering and Manufacturing Erections of the XIX-th – the XX-th Centuries on the Territory of Tajikistan


Mamajanova Saliya Mamajanovna


The article dwells on various types of engineering and manufacturing assignment of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries on the territory of Tajikistan: underground aqueducts, water reservoirs, water-lifting arrangements, water-mills, rice-appliances, butter-pressures and others. These constructions of engineering and manufacturing assignment are used up to now in mountainous areas of Tajikistan, especially in the upper fluvial reaches of the Zeravshan, the Isfarasay, the Ashtsay, the Bartang rivers; some of them being in operative state today. The author comes to the conclusions that some of them can be revived, especially in rural areas, in connection with deteriorated ecology in man`s habitation environment, for the latest decades. The author underscores the effectiveness of folk experience under power saving and maintenance of ecology balance in actively transformed landscape. 


water supply, aqueduct, kariz sardoba, mills, rice-appliance, butter-pressures, the historic past of Tajikistan


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Publication date

Tuesday, 20 February 2018