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About Ethnical Structure of Sughd Viloyat Population in the Epoch of Antiquity


Tursunov Buston Rakhmonovich, Mamatkulov Djurabek Abduganiyevich


Proceeding from historical-ethnographical originals and literature, the authors dwell on the issues of ethnogenesis and development of ethnical processes on the territory of today’s Sughd viloyat in the epoch of antiquity, it is underscored that the territory in question is one of the areas of Tajiks` ethnogenesis being such one since antiquity. The Tajik people played a key role in ethnical processes which took place in Middle Asia. Especial importance was enjoyed by Aryan ethnical groups – Ferghanians and Sughdians – who meant much in a formation of the Tajik ethnos in this region. Economic and cultural development also stimulated ethnical processes which gave rise to urban and rural settlements. The process of population’s ethnical formation is canvassed; Sughd viloyat area being taken as an example.


problem of ethnos, ethnogenesis, ethnical structure,  Sughd population in the epoch of antiquity 


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22.               Rakhimov N. On the Issue of Migration of Tribes Appertaining to  Kairakhoom  Culture.// History and Ethnogzaphy of Tajiks (To the 70-th Anniversary of Ethnographer Usto Djakhonov).Editors in charge: Professor Mirboboyev A., Professor N. Rakhimov. – Khujand: ”Narghiz” Assoc. LTD., 2011. -304 pp.

23.               History of the Tajik People. Book one. From Homo Sapiens up to Perfect Tajik. (Under the general editorship of academician N. Negmatov). – Dushanbe: Sponsor, 2003.-367 pp.

24.               Tursunov N.O. Formation and Ways of Urban and  Rural Population`s Development in Morthern Tajikistan. – Dushanbe: Cognition,1976. -302 pp.

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26.              Tursunov N.O. Development of Urban and Rural Settlements of Northern Tajikistan in the XVIII-th – the Beginning of the ХХ-th Centuries. – Dushanbe: Cognition, 1991. – 540 pp.

27.               Tursunov N.O., Tursunov B.R. From the History and Ethnology of Konibodom // Ekhyoi Adjam (Renaissance of Adjam), #4 (8), 2000. –pp. 32-35.

28.               Tursunov N.O. History of Tajiks. – Khujand: publishing-house named after Rakhim Djalil, 2001. – 787 pp.


29.              Tursunov N.O. The History of Khujand. – Khujand: Ascension, 2012. – 352 pp.

Publication date

Monday, 27 November 2017