Journal number - 4

Anthroponymic Unities and their Assessable Signs in Constructions of “Proper Name + Nickname” Class

Ibraghimova, Gulnora Khaydarovna

Philological sciences

Transition of Participles into the Category of Nouns in Tajik and their English Equivalents

Ataeva Hafizakhon Gafarovna, Alimukhamedova Nighina Tohirjonovna

Philological sciences

Contribution of Religious Persuasions into the Development of Spiritual Culture of Tajikistan Republic

Rakhimova Nasibahon Hasanovna

Historical sciences and archeology

Kokand Khanate in the Years of Mukhammad Ali-Khan’s Governance (1822-1842)

Tursunov Buston Rakhimovich

Historical sciences and archeology

Interregional Cooperation as a New Form at in the Relations Between Tajikistan Republic and Russian Federation

Alijonova Adiba Homidovna

Historical sciences and archeology

The Role of two Spаcial Suffixes in the Formation of Rare Derivatives in Farzona’s Poetry

Khodjayeva Marvorid

Philological sciences

The Role of Nation Leader in the Development of Tajikistan Economy

Sharifzoda Abdufattoh, Sharifzoda Makhine Tolib

Historical sciences and archeology

“Kyrgyz Radiosu” Broadcasting Programs at the Beginning of the New Millenium (The 2000-th)

Sultanova Zhypar Omorovna

Philological sciences

The Tale about Maryam and Hakimi Shirvani’s “Christian Kasyda”

Abdujabbarova Madina Abdufayozovna

Philological sciences

The Semantic Changes of Meaning of Words in the English and Tajik Languages

Azimova Matluba Nuritdinovna

Philological sciences

“Badi” Science and its Essence

Yusufov Umriddin

Philological sciences

Philological Knowledge: Application in Archival Work. Archival Materials as an Object of Linguistic and Critical Literary Research

Yastrebov-Pestritsky Michail Sergheyevich

Philological sciences
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