The article considers the movement of the Persian advanced intelligentsia and state authority for democratization of the Persian language at the end of XIX-th - beginning of the XX-th centuries in Iran. It is noted that movement for democratization of the language, especially press language had been intensified during the years of revolutionary campaign – Mashrutes (1906 – 1911), when the first significant penetration of folk words and expressions occurred in the literary language. The author emphasizes that edition of collection of the stories “Yake budu yake nabud” (Facts and fables) by Seyid Muhammad Ali Jamalzade gave a powerful impetus to the process of evolution of Persian language and literature. It was the struggle for democratization of the language that caused emergence of the puristic movement under the slogans of native language refinement from the borrowings, especially from Arabic ones. The role of Farhangiston in regulation of the process of term formation is disclosed in the article.
language refinement, borrowings, Farhangiston, (Academy of Persian language and literature), lexis, puristic movement, democratization of the language, impact of the Arabic language on Persian
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