The author of the article expounds an analysis of allegoric mystical dastans in the prosaic heritage of Soinuddin Khujandi, famous representative of the House of Khujanders in mediaeval Isfagan (1370 – 1433). It is underscored that Soinuddin Khujandi`s allegoric prosaic works exerted considerable influence over further development of analogical productions in Tajik mediaeval literature. Among them there are: “Bazm va Razm” (Feast and Battle), “Aklu Ishk” (Reason and Love) and some others. Resorting to allegories and symbols Soinuddin Khujandi reflects the problems of theoretical mysticism, in particular, a controversy between reason and love. It is emphasized that man-of-letters uses an allegorical style of reproduction for concealing his mystical ideas. The author conducts a correlative analysis between the book “Akl va Ishk” by Soinuddin Khujandi and “Ishky Akl” by Nadgmuddin Rozi. He undertakes an endeavor to determine the peculiarities of allegorical style in the works by Soinuddin Khujandi.
historyofTajikliterature, mysticism, SoinuddinKhujandi`screation, symbols, allegories, NadgmuddinRozi, allegoricproductions
1. Behbakhoni, Sayidali. Life and Creation of Soinuddin Turkai Isfahoni with an Appendix of the Treatise “Inzoliya”. Collection of Speeches and Articles on Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism // Sayidali Behbakhoni. – Tehran: Islamic Readings, 1349hijra. – pp. 110 – 132.
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3. Collection of Persian Treatises by Abdullaho Ansori. – V.1. // A. Ansori. – Tehran: Birch, 1377hijra. – 427 pp.
4. Mutahhari, Murtazo. Familiarization with Islamic Science, V.2. Pen: Mysticism. Practical Philosophy // Murtazo Mutahhari. – Dushanbe: Cultural Representation of Iran, 1999. – 188 pp.
5. Purnomdoriyon T. Symbols and Symbolic Works in Persian Literature // Taki Purnomdoriyon. - Tehran, –375hijra. – 623 pp.
6. Purnomdoriyon T. Exquisite Mind. Commentaries to Symbolic Treatises of Sukhravardi. – Tehran: Word, 1390hijra. – 526 pp.
7. Rozi N. Treatise about Love and Reason // under the editorship of Toki Tafazzuli. – Tehran, 1367hijra. – 129 pp.
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9. Soinuddin, Ali. Love and Reason // Recension and research by Akram Chudi Negmati // Ali Soinuddin. – Tehran, 1375 hijra. – 218 pp.
10. Soinuddin, Ali. Feast and Battle // under the editorship of Mizhgon Hakkoni // Ali Soinuddin. – Tehran: Word, 1392hijra. – 126 pp.
11. Soinuddin, Ali. Transcription. Recension and commentaries by Muhammadrizo Kumshai and Mirzo Muhammad. Preface and Appendix by Djaloluddin Oshtiyoni // Ali Soinuddin. – Kum: The Garden of Books. 1387hijra. – 489 pp.
12. Soinuddin, Ali. Commentaries to “Nazm-ud-Durar”. Recension and research by Djura Negmati // Ali Soinuddin. – Tehran: School Heritage, 1384hijra. – 509 pp.
13. Soinuddin, Ali. The Open Way to Logic. // Under the editorship of Ibrohim Debodgi // Ali Soinuddin. – Tehran: Higher School, 1376hijra. – 232 pp.
14. Sharifov Kh. Spirituality and Outer World // Kh. Sharifov. – Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 2012. – 352 pp.
15. Sharifov Kh. “Shakh-Name” and the Poetry of Firdawsi`s Epoch // Kh. Sharifov. – Dushanbe: Nightingale, 2014. – 400 pp.