The article dwells on the association of the language of mediaeval chronicles “The History of Masud” with contemporary Tajik vernaculars on the example of the used pronouns and pronominal suffixes. Designing on the premise of factual material, it is elicited that the usage of some pronouns in unusual forms or in special functions enjoys the history of millennium. On the basis of valid arguments the author comes to the conclusion that in the book “Masud’s History” (the XI-th century) the pronouns Shumo was used for the form of the 2-nd person both in singular and plural. Consequently, the given phenomenon can’t be considered as “innovation” ascribed to the bearers of northern vernaculars of the Tajik language by some researchers.
It is underscored that the practice of using shortened forms of some grammatical elements associated with pronouns is also traced back to ancient traditions.
“The History of Masud” language, vernacular, dialect, association, mediaeval monuments, pronoun, pronominal suffix, variant
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