The article is devoted to the issue of localization and toponymy of the ancient capital cities of Ferghana. One of the earliest state associations of Central Asia in the era of antiquity was Davan. Researchers localize this state in the fertile valley of Central Asia, that of Ferghana. Davanis first mentioned in early Chinese written sources. In the chronicles of "Beishi" and "Tangsh" Davanis mentioned as Lona or Polona, Bohanna or Bohan, Ninyuan, Taiyuan. The name "Ferghana" is mentioned by Sogdian sources in the period of the VIII-th – the IX-th centuries.In the early Chinese written originals, the names of only three cities are known - Ershi, Yu-cheng and Guishan. The cities of Ershi and Guishanare are referred to as the capital of Davani. The first opinion was expressed that during the pre-Kushan period, the capital of Davan was the city of Ershi, and later, in the Kushan period, the capital was transferred to the north of Ferghana, to Koson - the city of Guishan. According to the author of the article, the city of Ershi - the ancient capital city of Davan - was located on the site of the modern city of Osh, and Yu-chenis identified with the city of Uzgen. The author also provides information on the localization and toponymy of the cities of Uzgen and Osh. After the time these toponyms reached us in a new form.
Ferghana, Davan, Ershi, Guishan, Yu-Chen, Osh, Chinese sources, localization of cities, toponymy
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