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Rozikzoda A.Sh.


The article deals with the influence and interference of the Russian Political Agency into the political life of the Bukhara Emirate, especially on the ambiguous hostile, anti-democratic role of this institution in the reforms in the emirate.At the end of the XIX-th  and the beginning of the XX-th centuries, the Emirate of Bukhara was a backward, dependent and tyrannical state of Central Asia. After the emirate became a vassal of tsarist Russia some transformations took place in the socio-economic and cultural life of the country. However, the backward medieval state administration of the Mangit dynasty and fierce resistance of reactionary forces, especially priests, hindered a development of the country.Sane forces, educators, jadids reformers, realizing the need for reforms, opposed the ruling regime in the emirate. Tsarist Russia having taken the initiative of reforms into its own hands, tried in every possible way to soften this process.The author of the article also underscores the incomprehensible and ambiguous position of the Russian Political Agency in the development of the reform project (which remained on paper), the ardent support of the jadids and the tragic consequences of this act. The Emir and his government, with the support of reactionary and conservative forces, opposed the reformers and a lot of blood was shed in Bukhara.


Bukhara Emirate, Emir’ government, political agency of Russia in Bukhara, Russian agent A. Ya. Miller general-governor of Turkestan, reactionary priests, djadids, reforms


1.        Aini. S. The History of Bukhara Revolution. – Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 1987. – 240 pp.

2.        Aini. S. The History of Manghyt Emirs of Bukhara // Compositions. V.10. – Dushanbe: Cognition, 1996. – 326 pp.

3.        Aini. S. My Brief Biography // The Turn of Pen Has Come. Selected Works in two volumes. The first Volume. – Dushanbe: Cognition, 1977. – pp. 13-98.

4.        Bukhara in 1917. Drevlit.ru. – The Library of Ancient Manuscripts. – 38 pp. Inter. Resource. (Date of appeal: 11.03.2021).

5.        Ishanov A. I. The Victory of People’s Soviet Revolution in Bukhara. – Tashkent, 1957. – 270 pp

6.        The Red Archive. 1927. Journal. V.1 (20).

7.        Miller A. Ya., Vikipedia… (Date of appeal: 15.02.2021).

8.        Khotamov N. B. Overthrow of Emir’s Regime in Bukhara. – Dushanbe, 2018. – 331 pp.

9.        Central State Archive (CSA) of Uzbekistan Republic. F.3. Inv.2. Case.442. Sheet 33. Case 513, sheets 30-31.

10.    Ibidem. F.3. Inv.2. Case 528. Sheet 1.

Publication date

Monday, 10 January 2022