The phenomenon of intercultural asymmetry in the English version of “Navruz-Name” by Omar Khayyam is researched. The asymmetry of grammatical features in the original text and in the translation is determined. The study of intercultural asymmetry in this paper is carried out from the point of view of intercultural and interlanguage features and confirmed with a lot of scientific examples and facts. It is established that the translation of real as non-equivalent vocabulary, culturemes and other lexical units is done incorrectly. Special attention is also paid to the phenomena of interlanguage asymmetry in lexical and grammatical aspects.
The author comes to the conclusion that in most cases the translation requires editing, there is an asymmetry of grammatical categories, syntactic constructions and phrases, nominal, verbal and adjectival phrases with English equivalents. Proceeding from a comparative analysis of the Russian and English translations of “Navruz-Name”, it can be asserted that the English translation was implemented from the Russian version of the work in question.
literary translation, asymmetry, intercultural asymmetry, grammar asymmetry, “Nawruz-Name”, Omar Khayam, English translation
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