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Maksudov U.O.


The paper examines the cases of interlingual asymmetry in the translation of Kamoli Khujandi's gazel from English into Tajik, and the main goal of the study is a correlation of interlingual asymmetry. Identifying the features of errors in the translation of the poem attracted the author's attention, and at the same time, translation mistakes and shortcomings of the English translation were canvassed under the angle of lexical and grammatical asymmetry.

The effect of asymmetry is manifested not only in correlation of two language systems, but in using language units in speech either.In this article, interlanguage asymmetry is discussed not only in terms of lexical and grammatical features, but in literary ones either.The results of the research can be used for reviews of theoretical provisions and improvement of the methods of teaching translation practice. They may be resorted to for elicitation of the methods and principles translation of quality. In the course of cross-lingual comparative analysis, it was found that the category of asymmetry can negatively or positively influence the translation process in different situations.


belles-lettres translation, poetical text, Kamoli Khujandi`s gazel, interlingual asymmetry, lexical asymmentry, grammatical asymmetry, translation of poems, English language


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Publication date

Thursday, 01 July 2021