The article presents an analysis of customs, traditions, rites and family holidays related to the people`s history and its everyday life. It dwells on the formation of family customs and traditions, their evolution, influence over family relations, psychology and people`s behavior, preservation of traditions, rites, family customs and respect for them. Scholars` views upon family traditions are studied. Here we run into the names of such scientists as S.A. Tokarev, I.V. Ugrinovich, I.V. Suhanov, N.A. Kislyakov, B.R. Tursunov. The authors also touch upon the mostly important aspects of a Tajik family: changes in its social structure, reduction of a status of a large patriarchal family, creation of a small monogam family. Such issues are taken into account as ethnographic aspects of family relations, esteem for senior members of a family, preparation of youth for family matrimonial relations and hospitality of Tajiks.
traditions, rituals, rites, family, family traditions, big family, small family
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