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Sharipov Sh.R.


The author makes an endeavor to give a complete analysis of the central sense-forming word in the poetry of Zuhuri Turshezi (died in 1615) – that of "dog" the frequency of usage of which is equal to 574 times. It is underscored that the poet imparts a new sensible and stylistic shades of meaning to this word, he puts a new potential in the former and due to it creates new motives and images with participation of the word in question. The correlation between Zuhuri's creation and Bedil's poetry dealing with the word "dog" is implemented. It is marked that both in Bedil's poems the word is one of the most frequently used elements. The author adduces the table "Frequency of Key Words Use in Zuhuri`s Divan" containing 76 lexical units whose frequency varies in the range of 50 times (“thread”) up to 1830 ones (“heart”). Zuhuri uses the word "dog" in combination with such words as: "surprise, imagination, ignorance, love, moment, silence, coquetry" and etc.; this enlarges and deepens the meaning of the considered key word.


style knowledge, Indian style, Zuhuri Turshezi`s creation, Mirzo Abulkadyr Bedil`s poetry, key words, “dog”, motive, theme


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13.    Futukhi, Mahmud. Perfection of Depiction. - Tehran: Word, 1385. - 464 pp.

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16.    Kordgar, Yahoyi. Ambiguity of Manner in Indian Style // Researches of Siistan and Baluchistan University. - No. 6, 1390. - 114 pp.

Publication date

Thursday, 01 July 2021