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Olimjonov M.O.


The article presents an anlysis of compound words in the poetry of Iranina style representative Mirzo Abdulkodir Bedil. It is underscored that the language of Mirzo Bedil`s poetry miltiple times became an object of studies since his lifetime and up to nowadays and all the researchers call him unanimously as an innovator. Compound words occurrred in the stock of Bedil`s poetry include, according to calculations, over 8000 units divided into two groups: 1) compound two-componental words; 2) compound multicomponental words. Two componental compound words prevail in Bedil`s poetical legacy. Compound multicomponental words possess the following peculiarties in the poet`s creation: 1) they do not have a unified morphemic composition: a) some words consist of three components (morphemes); b) some words have four or more components; 2) they are formed in different modes: a) a stem of formation of some compound multicomponental words is a word-combination; b) a stem of compound multicomponental words is a sentence. The conclusion is made that using the abounding word-building potential and potentialities of the Tajik language Bedil created hundreds of new lexical elements.



Mirzo Bedil`s innovation, word-building model, compound words, component two-componental words, compound multi-componental words



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Publication date

Thursday, 01 July 2021