The article is a textological analysis of one short-story from the book “Buston” (“Flower-Garden”) by Saadi Shirazi (the XIII-th c.) on the basis of ten editions: Iranian (in particular, by Gulomhusayn Yusufi, Hamidrizo Madjidobodi, Muhammadali Furughi and others and Tajik ones (Sadriddin Aini, Ibrahim Alizoda, Abdusalom Dehoti, Abdumannon Nasriddin and others). It is marked that out of 22 beyts composing the short-story, different readings are observed in 15 beyts; 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18 ones exclusive. It is underscored especially that though numerous variants of beyts are occurred in different editions of the short-story, however, principle difference of readings changing the sense of the beyts studied is absent. In other words, nowhere difference in readings breaks logic and succession of the story. The conclusion is made that in the editions of Gulomhusayn Yusufi, Muhammadali Furughi, Muhammad Ghzzoli, Homidrizo Madjidobodi (Iranian ones) and in the Tajik edition of Abdumannon Nasriddonov a more convincing and authentic variant of the short-story is presented as it is published on the ground of the ancientest authoritative lists.
Saadi Shirazi`s “Buston”, textology, correlative analysis, Gulomhusayn Yusufi, Hamidrizo Madjidobodi, Muhammadali Furughi “Buston” editions
1. “Buston” and “Guliston” by Saadi // under the editorship of Hamidrizo Madjdobodi. – Tehran: Parvon, 1393 hijra. – 624 pp.
2. Literary Flower-Garden (Patterns of Persian-Tajik Poetry of the XIII-th – the XIV-th Centuries). Part 1. – Dushanbe: Cognition, 1975. – 496 pp.
3. The Dream about the Dainty and the Beautiful. Selected Bustana by Saadi // selection and commentaries by Dr. Gulomhusayn Yusufi. The third edition. – Tehran: Word, 1373 hijra. – 575 pp.
4. Exciting Dastans from “Bustana” by Sheik Saadi; selection; commentary and prosaic appendices by Abdumannon Nasriddin. – Khujand: Publisher, 2008. – 228 pp.
5. Saadi`s Compositions // Commentaries by Muhammadali Furughi. – Tehran: Hirmis, 1337 hijra. – 1408 pp.
6. Saadi Shirazi. Buston // S.Aini, edition 3. – Dushanbe: Enlightenment, 1977. – 160 pp.
7. Saadi Shirazi. Buston // Commentaries and Recension by Gulomhusayn Yusufi. – Tehran: Khorazmi Publishing-House, 1372, edition 4. – 620 pp.
8. Saadi Shirazi. Selected Works, compilers: Ibrohim Alizoda, Abdusalom Dehoti. – Stalinabad: Tajik State Publishing-House, 1956. – 434 pp.
9. Commentaries to Bustana // Compositions of Dr. Muhammad Hazoili. The first edition. Publishing-house “Jovidon” (The Eternal and Immortal). 1353 hijra. – 480 pp.
10. Sheikh Muslihiddin Saadi Shirazi // Buston. – Tehran: International publishing-house “Alhudo” (Allah Almighty), 1371 hijra, the first edition. – 463 pp.
11. Tajik Language Dictionary. V.1. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. – 952 pp.
12. Tajik Language Dictionary. V.2. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. – 950 pp.