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Ganizoda S.


From the position of actual syntax there are considered the words of the models “noun plus noun”, “adjective plus noun” which express onomasiological catergories of the signs of person, subject and place selected from “Farhangi ashore Rudaki” (“The Glossary of Rudaki`s Poetry”). Consideration of compound words from the point of view of actual syntax results into a determination of their onomasiological structure. Taking the words from “Farhangi ashore Rudaki” as examples the author of the article asserts that a compound word has an especial onomasiological structure and correlation of basis and onomasiological sign requires special research. It is stated that the most productive onomasiological category is the sign of person and it is accounted for by the reasons of its own: in Rudaki`s creation man`s position and personality occupied a special position. In the structure of the analyzed compounds words in which qualities and signs of persons engender different associations under the interaction of direct and transitive meanings mostly a rhematic part is preserved and onomasiological basis (theme) is out of onomasiological structure.


actual syntax, theme, rheme, semantic interpretation, onomasiological structure, onomasiological basis, onomasiological sign


1.        Amonova F. The Experience of Onomasiological Research in Regard to the Derivational System of Modern Persian Language. – Dushanbe, 1996. – 288 pp.

2.        Benvenist E. Syntactic Foundations of Nominal Formation // General Linguistics. – M.: Progress, 1974. – 256 pp.

3.        Ghinzburg Ye.L. Word-Building and Syntax. – M.: Science, 1979. – 264 pp.

4.        Kubryakova Ye.S. Types of Lexical Meanings: Semantics of Derivative Word. – M.: Science, 1981. – 200 pp.

5.        Sakharny L.V. Word-Building as a Syntactical Process // Problems of Word and Sentence Structures. – Perm, 1974. – pp. 3 – 29.

6.        Theory of Nomination and Word-Building // Linguistic Nomination: Types of Nominations. – M.: Science, 1977. – pp. 222 – 303.

7.        Tajik Language Dictionary. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. – V.1. – 951 pp.; V.2. – 952 pp.

8. Rudaki`s Poetry Glossary. – Dushanbe, 1990. – 368 pp.

Publication date

Wednesday, 12 January 2022