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Tursunov N.O., Sharipov M.M.


The article dwells on the problem related to the Gurids’ conquest of Moverannakhr southern areas. In order to study the problem in question the author resorted to the data from original sources and scientific literature, he made an endeavor to highlight one of scantily explored issues in home historiography. He pointed that available help in specification of a good deal of questions can come from the side of numismatic materials. Valuable information preserved in the works of both foreign and home historians-numismatists concerned with the given problem may specify the latter more precisely. There are elucidated the coins found in different areas of today’s Tajikistan. In the finale of the article it is underscored that the data from mediaeval originals and numismatic findings in central and southern parts of today’s Tajikistan described in the works of Tajik numismatists prove that Vakhsh, Darvaz, Shugnan and Vahan were included into the entirety of the Gurids Empire.


Gurids, historic sources, numismatic materials, Gurid sultans Alauddin and Ghiyasuddin, Gurid coins, southern parts of Maverannakhr


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Publication date

Wednesday, 12 January 2022