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Nozimova Gulrukhsor Saidislomovna


The article is devoted to the study of the artistic function of allegory in epic poems on the example of  “Garshaspname” by Asadi Tusi . The author of the article relying on the research of Professor H. Sharifov “Shahname”  and the poetry of the epoch of Firdawsi made generalizing conclusions in relation to the problem under study .

 The study of the author of the article shows that in epic poem, allegory has a didactic function and is used to determine the poet's worldview. It also turns out that the allegory in “Garshaspname” by Asadi Tusi, just as in  “Shahname” by Firdawsi , has  its own characteristics which are defined in this study .     


Key words : allegory, “Garshaspname”, epos, poem, worldview, Firdawsi, Asadi Tusi, allegorical literature, artistic truth, didactics



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2.        Nishopuri, Fariddudini  Attor «Tazkizatu-l-avliyou» [Text]. Transposition, text preparation, preface and appendices: M. Okilova // Under the editorship of academician of Tajikistan Republic AS, Dr. of Philology N. Salimov. Khujand: Publisher, 2008.-662pp.


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4.        Ochilova M « Tabokat-us-sufiya by Khodja Abdulloh Ansori and its Literary importance [Text].  Khujand Acsension. 2015.-196 pp.


5.        Djami A. « Nafahat-ul-uns min khazarot-il-kuds» [Text] preface by /Iran/ ambassador in Tajikistan Dr.Aliasgar Sherdust //Under the editorship of academician N. Salimov. Text preparation, introduction and indicators by M. Okilova and B. Mirsaidov. – Dushanbe: The Institute of Studies of Persian and Tajik Cultures, /Iranian/ Embassy in Tajikistan. 2013.-876pp.

Khujviri Ali ibn Usmon. «Kashfy-l-makhdjub» [Text]: Preface, recension and appendices by Mahmud Obid. – Tehran: Herald. 1383 hijra.-1154pp.

Publication date

Wednesday, 07 December 2022