«Burhoni Kote» dictionary includes a group of words preserved in the Persian-Tajik language from Arameyan which are fixed in lexicographical origins as units appertaining to the vocabulary of «Zand» and «Pozand». The lexical units in question preserved in the term of ideograms. Comparatively significant corpus of ideograms expressing motion and state is divided into five groups for analysis in the composition of the lexical units in question: a) verbal ideograms expressing correction of motion; b) verbal ideograms expressing man`s state; c) synonymical verbal ideograms; d) conjugated verbal ideograms; e) non-conjugated verbal ideograms. The conclusion is made that verbal ideograms of the canvassed dictionary testify to antiquity of the lexical richness of the Tajik-Persian language and promote the elicitation of grammatical elements and their morphologico-syntactical functions in a certain historic period.
Key-words: Burhoni kote’ glossary, «Zand» and «Pozand», ideogram, army words, Arameyan words verbal ideograms, semantics, conjugation,
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