ThThe article briefly analyzes monographs, dissertations and other researches on the history of Kokand Khanate carried out during the years of independence. The described studies differ in content from one another, they are devoted to the history of political, economic, cultural life of Kokand Khanate. Researched materials include such works that characterize the sources devoted to political processes, popular movements, certain ethnic groups and ethnic processes, economic, cultural life, and military state of the Khanate. There are also a number of works covering trade and diplomatic relations, as well as the studies on confrontation and struggle of social and ethnic groups in Kokand Khanate. And also, the struggle for the hegemony of Kokand with the Emirate of Bukhara in Central Asia and its dire consequences. A number of works are devoted to the geopolitical position of the period under study and the policy of the Russian Empire before penetration into Kokand Khanate. The exploration elucidates the essence of the aggressive policy of the Russian Empire; when assessing actions of the empire each researcher adheres to the opinion which does not always coincide with others. There are a number of works covering the political and spiritual life in the khanate. Ethnographic studies the ethnic compositions of the population settlement on the territory of the Khanate.e article briefly analyzes monographs, dissertations and other researches on the history of Kokand Khanate carried out during the years of independence. The described studies differ in content from one another, they are devoted to the history of political, economic, cultural life of Kokand Khanate. Researched materials include such works that characterize the sources devoted to political processes, popular movements, certain ethnic groups and ethnic processes, economic, cultural life, and military state of the Khanate. There are also a number of works covering trade and diplomatic relations, as well as the studies on confrontation and struggle of social and ethnic groups in Kokand Khanate. And also, the struggle for the hegemony of Kokand with the Emirate of Bukhara in Central Asia and its dire consequences. A number of works are devoted to the geopolitical position of the period under study and the policy of the Russian Empire before penetration into Kokand Khanate. The exploration elucidates the essence of the aggressive policy of the Russian Empire; when assessing actions of the empire each researcher adheres to the opinion which does not always coincide with others. There are a number of works covering the political and spiritual life in the khanate. Ethnographic studies the ethnic compositions of the population settlement on the territory of the Khanate.
The article briefly analyzes monographs, dissertations and other researches on the history of Kokand Khanate carried out during the years of independence. The described studies differ in content from one another, they are devoted to the history of political, economic, cultural life of Kokand Khanate. Researched materials include such works that characterize the sources devoted to political processes, popular movements, certain ethnic groups and ethnic processes, economic, cultural life, and military state of the Khanate. There are also a number of works covering trade and diplomatic relations, as well as the studies on confrontation and struggle of social and ethnic groups in Kokand Khanate. And also, the struggle for the hegemony of Kokand with the Emirate of Bukhara in Central Asia and its dire consequences. A number of works are devoted to the geopolitical position of the peri
Key-words: Bukhara emirate, Kokand khanate, people’s movements, ethnic groups, social relations, struggle for power, ethnic processes, trade relations, Russian EmpireBukhara emirate, Kokand khanate, people’s movements, ethnic groups, social relations, struggle for power, ethnic processes, trade relations, Russian Empire
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