The article presents an analysis of simultaneous relations in complex sentences with subordinate clauses of subject or object in English and Tajik. It has been cleared out that in the relations of full simultaneity in English the verb in principle and subordinate clauses is used in Past Indefinite Tense. In the relations of partial simultaneity of actions that one of the principal clause is more continuous and unlimited verbs are used for its expression. The results of the analysis showed that in English simultaneous relations are observed mainly in subordinate clauses of subject being introduced by dint of the conjunction “that”. It is established that in both languages the relations of partial simultaneity are occurred, here with, the action of the principal clause is short, seme a factive and that one of the subordinate clause is continuous.
Key-words: simultaneous relations, relations of partial simultaneity, relations of full simultaniety, complex sentences, subordinate clauses, tense, tense-aspect forms
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