The article dwells on socio-economic status of women in independent Tajikistan. The author of the article made an endeavor to comprehensively consider women`s status in the family and society; their participation in politico-economical life of the country, gender equality and equal right in family and their involvement in labor activities being taken into account as well. The author describes the impact of politico-economic crisis of the first years of independence of Tajikistan, economic changes and social phenomena in the country and their sway over women`s position, specifics of the relevant process, their incomes, poverty, unemployment, living standards and she studies extreme social stratification. Into the bargain, the author describes measures taken by Tajikistan Government in order to improve women`s status in the society.
Keywords: familyrelations, socio-economicstatus, genderpolicy, women`semployment, women`ssocialstatus
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