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Sheronov Boyirboy Gaziboyevich


The article dwells on the varieties of syntactical relations in the structure of simple and complex sentences in Tajik and Uzbek languages. Proceeding from linguistic researches, the author determines the essence of phenomena whose syntactical relations are called as connection of words in a sentence. Accent is laid on predicative relations: they are divided into assertory, representative qualificative, extensional syntactical relations. There is elicited differentiation between the phenomena of «predicative relation» and «predicativity», i. e., predicativity is the property in which a phenomenon of objective world is expressed. Predicative relation is evinced between subject and predicate. The author has analyzed varieties of syntactical relations in the construction of a complex sentence: subjective relations, processual relations, representative relations, qualificative relations, assertory relations.


Key words: syntactical relations, simple sentence, complex sentence, verieties of syntactical relations, predicative relations, predicativity


Reference Literature:

1.      Berdialiyev A. Syntactical Connections and Syntactical Relations of Uzbek Language Sentence. Tashkent: University, 1993. – 101 pp. (in Uzbek)

2.      Berdialiyev A., Sheronov B. Uzbek Language Syntax. Manual for philological faculties of higher schools. – Khujand, 2010. – 232 pp. (in Uzbek)

3.      Grammar of Modern Tajik Literary Language. Part 3. – Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1989. – 224 pp. (in Tajik)

4.      Grammar of Modern Literary Uzbek Language. Part II. - Tashkent: Science, 1976. – 560 pp. (in Uzbek)

5.      Kamoliddinov B. Tajik Language Syntax. Manual for the faculties of journalism, philology and foreign languages under Tajikistan Republic higher schools. – The first edition. - Dushanbe: The Staunch, 2010. – 280 pp. (in Tajik)

6.      Kodukhov V. I. The Issues of History and Theory of Complex Sentences // The Problems of Russian Linguistic. Scientific Notes of Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Hertsen. Volume 281. L.: Lenizdat, 1968, - 441 pp.

7.      Lomtev T. P. Sentence Structure in Modern Russian Language. – M: Moscow State University Publishing-House, 1979. – 198 pp.

8.      Meshchaninov I. I. Sentence Structure. – M – L.: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing-House, 1963. – 121 pp.

9.      Raspopov I. P. The Structure of a Simple Sentence in Modern Russian Language. – M.: Enlightenment, 1970. – 221 pp.

10.       Yatimov S. Compositions. Volume 11. The Issues of National Linguistics in the Tenet of the Nation`s Leader. - Dushanbe: Modern Publishing-House, 2020. – 384 pp. (in Tajik, Uzbek and Russian) 

Publication date

Monday, 12 September 2022