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Okilova, Khurshedabonu Afhozovna


The present article article dwells on the specific peculiarities of verb, types of valency, characteristics of semantic, lexical, morphological and syntactic valencies. In the article the views of Western and Estern researchers on the concept of valency, as well as new points of view belonging to the author have been presented.

The article also touches upon of valency peculiarities of non-finite forms of the verb in English and Tajik languages. The main concept of the research includes analysis and comparison of the valency of non-finite  forms of the verb: infinitive, gerund and participles in English and Tajik. Proceeding from the material studied, common features and differences of the valency of non-finite forms of the verb have been established.


Key-words: verb, valency, semantic valency, lexical valency, morphological valency, syntactic valency, infinitive, gerund, participle one, participle two


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Publication date

Thursday, 08 December 2022