The article dwells on Tajik literature studies in the arabic East related to the New Time. The author makes an endeavor to present adequate information concerned with researches on Tajik literature conducted for the latest years by arabian scholars. Practically, such scientists as Nasiz al-Khidgi, Rifat Suleyman Huseyn, Isa Ali al Okub, Victor al-Kik, Hamdi Abdulrazi, Asma Ahmad, Ali Shabi and scores of others concentrated their attention on the Tajik literature; the fact pointing to Tajik-arabian literatury ties. It’s also worth nothing noting that for thirty years of independence several books have been translated mutually from one language to another, some of them belong to arabian scholars.
Key-words:Tajik literature, literary ties, Arabian East, the New Time, researches, translations, Arabian scientists
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