The article dwells on the position of Tajik television at contemporary world, its technical equipment, the problems concerned with its development from the point of view of professionalism that meets modern requirements for media. The article discusses the methods of preparation and the structure of programs, television genres evolution as well. The opinion is substantiated that in modern technological age, when artificial intelligence affects human emotions and creates various texts and works of artthere is a possibility of a danger tolocal television companies activities. It is suggested that professional training and attention to topical issues are considered to be one of the ways aimed at the solution of the problem in question. It is concluded that today the observance of norms of modern Tajik literary language,citizens` moral education through televisional program networksobserved by journalists of ethical norms and requirements for televisional genres remain the relevant ones.
television, televisional genre, ethical standards, media, journalist, program, software network, studio
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