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Ismoilov U.Sh.


The article dwells on the issue beset with the history of production associations in Northern Tajikistan (1924-1935). The author of the article considers productional cooperatives activity in the composition of productional associations. It is underscored that referring to the relevant period artels united in unions. These unions task was the centralization of production and control over artels activities. The author lays an emphasis upon the idea that the issue in question is of great scientifico-practical importance. Productional unions activities of Northern Tajikistan in 1924-1935, on the one hand, it contributed into various industries development in the region, and on the other hand, it united the multinational working class of Soviet Tajikistan. Namely, the former in question promoted the centralization of production and Tajik working class formation. The relevant unions established cooperation between cooperatives, thereby facilitating relations between workers.


Northern Tajikistan, indusrial association, industry, artel, Tajik working class, production organizations


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15.     The history of the Tajik nation. Volumes 5. The newest history (1917 – 1941). – Dushanbe, 2004. – 477 pp.

Publication date

Thursday, 18 May 2023