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Formation of Pupils` Communicative Competence at the Lessons of the Russian Language


Negmatova Mukhbirakhon Mirzokhodjayevna


The author canvasses one of the  most actual problems of linguodidactics – that of the  formation and development of an individual`s communicative competence.

The auhor analyzes  substantially the notion of “competence” as an integrity of khowledge, habits and abilities formed in the process of  tuition and promoting in implementation of activities associated with a concrete  educational subject.

M.M. Negmatova deals in details with  a componential structure of communicative competence including such types of the latter as linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, sociocultural, social and strategic ones.


formation, the Russian language, communicative competence, linguistic competence, sociological competence, strategic (compensatory and educational-cognitive) compatence


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Publication date

Wednesday, 19 August 2015