The IX-th – XI-th centuries‚ when Khorasan style dominated in poetry and prose‚ are considered to be the period of boisterous development of the Persian-Tajik language. According to unanimous recognition of explores‚ the main peculiarities of Khorasan style‚ Kisoi`s poetry inclusive‚ are simplicity and smoothness.
The poetry pertaining to the period of the Samanids` dynasty is exhaustively defined as «unavailable simplicity». Designing on the premise of comprehensive and profound analysis of Kisoi Marvazi`s extant poetical heritage‚ the author comes to the conclusion that primordial Tajik words befall the basic stock of the borrowed lexical units. Arabic ones occur mostly frequently. Separate Greek and ancient Jewish words are invested into the Arabized form (muarrab). Turkic words are very rare. The author of the article stresses the dependence of vocabulary on the theme of a verse. Thus‚ in the kasyds dwelling on Khusayn ibn Ali`s murder in Karbal more than 20% of Arabic words are found‚ whereas borrowings from the Holy Koran constitute about 12-14% on average.
Kisoi Marvazi`s poetry‚ Khorasan style‚ primordial Tajik words‚ borrowed vocabulary‚ synonyms‚ homonyms‚ antonyms
1. Anvari Khasan. Big Interpretation Dictionary. In eight volumes. V.6. – Tehran: Imaginative Word‚ 1381, hijra
2. Durakhshon‚ Mahdi. Khakim Kisoi Marvazi`s Poetry. Exploration of Life and Creation. - Tehran‚ 1375 hijra.
3. Muin‚ Mukhammad. Persian Dictionary. In six volumes. – Tehran‚ 1375 hijra.
4. Riyokhi‚ Muhammad Amin. Kisoi Marvazi. Life Descriptions‚ Viewpoints and Creative Heritage. - Tehran‚ 1375 hijra.
5. Sabzayev M.S. Language and Style of Poets-Enlighteners – Dushanbe:Knowledge, 2002.
6. Sattorzoda‚ Abdunabi. Addenda to Persian Rhetoric`s. – Dushanbe: Men-of-Letters‚ 2011.
7. Tattavi‚ Abdurrashid. Muntakhab-ul-Lugat. Text preparation‚ introduction‚ commentaries and indications: Amon Nurov. – Dushanbe: Chief scientific editorial-board of the Tajik National Encyclopedia‚ 2003. -780 pp.
8. Dictionary of the Tajik Language. In two volumes. Soviet Encyclopedia‚ 1969.
9. Encyclopedia of Literature and Art. In three volumes. V.3. – Dushanbe: Chief scientific editorial-board of the Tajik National Encyclopedia‚ 2004. -518 pp.