The article dwells on semantic and stylistic differences of verbal synonymy in the outstanding literary production of the XII-th century – that of “Guliston” by Saadi Sherozi. The objective and goal of the research is a study of semantico-stylistic peculiariries of verbal synonymy, determination of narrow and wide ranges of usage, a degree of occurrence and individual structural features. The author of the article adduces the examples of verbal synonymy, elaborates the meanings of words and elicits 5 types of synonymy: lexical, phraseological, lexico-phraseological, word-building, form-building. The scientific novelty of the research lies in a selection of an object of study: the author of the article makes an endeavour to develop major principles and criteria concerned with a determination of semantic and stylictic differences of verbal synonymy in Saadi`s work. The synonymy of word-building and a compound verb, except a range of usage, also differs with shades of meaning and stylistic colouring.
connection, meaning, stylistics, difference, Аrabic borrowings, denotation, connotation
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