The article dwells on the analysis in reference to the peculiarities of poetical metres usage in Bedil`s «Divan». The author lays an emphasis upon the fact adduced in the majority of mediaeval sources that alongside with Arabic‚ Persian and Indian mother-tongue (Bengali) Bedil had a good command in Sanskrit and knew by heart the ancient Indian epos «Makhabharata»; the fact being mentioned also by Bedil`s pupil Hushya who lived in the poet`s house for a number of years. Proceeding from the analysis of Bedil`s gazels written with komil metre‚ the author makes a conclusion about the influence of ancient Indian poetical forms upon the poet`s creation. Special attention is paid to Bedil`s poetical experiments in using scantily occurred metres in the Persian-Tajik poetry‚ here refer: sixteen-feet komil‚ mutadorik‚ mutakorib and radjaz.
Bedil`s «divan»‚ gazel‚ poetical metres‚ “Komil” metre, structural evolution of gazel, ancient Indian epos «Makhabharata»‚ literary ties
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