The goal of the research is showing the history of formation and development of sisterhood between the cities of Tajikistan and Russia in the post-Soviet period. The author of the article discloses the essence of sisterhood-establishment phenomenon in reference to friendly ties between the cities of various counties. On the example of the cities sisterhood phenomenon the author analyzes the forms of cultural-social practices in the space of a city. The issue in question dwells on a social practice possessing resources of potential for the city and its inhabitants. In his article the author canvasses the main moments in regard to collaboration of sister-cities: Dushanbe and Saint-Petersburg, Khujand and Orenburg, Bustan (Chkalovsk) and Snezhinsk and etc. It is stated that partnerships between certain cities of Tajikistan have been actively developed comparatively recently, and namely - beginning with the 90-th of the XX-th century.
sisterhood, collaboration, international relations, city, partnership, development
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