Journal number - 2

Translation of «Sharaf un-Nabi» by Najmuddin Rovandi

Hamroboyev Nasimjohn Abdullojohnovich

Philological sciences

From the History of Formation and Development of Sisterhood between the Cities of Tajikistan and Russia

Isomitdinov Zhorabek Bobobekovich

Historical sciences and archeology

Medical Terminology in «Donish-Name» Kadarkhon Dictionary

Ghiyasov Nurullo Ismatovich, Nizomidinova Rukhsora Abdujamilovna,

Philological sciences

Methodological Aspects of Cultural Heritage Preservation and its Actualization in Modern Social-Cultural Space

Dilorom Ismailova

Philosophical sciences

On «Saki-name» Manuscript Lists by Zukhuri Turshezi

Rakhmatov Bahrom Ahmadjohnovich

Philological sciences

Outlooks Concerned with Short Story Genre Evolution in Classical Persian-Tajik Prose

Sharifova Umeda

Philological sciences

On Initial Stage of Confrontation Between the Representatives of Gurids Dynasty and Gaznevids in the XI-th Century

Sharipov Muhamad Marufovich

Historical sciences and archeology

The Peculiarities of Translation of Phraseological Sentences from Tajik into Russian

Saidkhojayeva Musabbekhon Nasimjohnonvna

Philological sciences

Priority Streamlines of Tajik-Russian Relations at the Junction of the XX-th – the XX-st Centuries

Aliyeva Rafoat Rashidovna

Historical sciences and archeology

Structural Models of Substantive Phrases with Quantitative Relation in Tajik and English

Taghoyeva Tabassum Muzafarovna

Philological sciences

Historic Experience of Youth Participation in Construction of Hydropower Stations in Tajikistan

Kabilov Zafarjohn Zakirovich

Historical sciences and archeology

On Slangy Vocabulary in Khujand Dialect

Sayfitdinova Munira Rakhmatova, Khodjayeva Mukaddas Olimovna

Philological sciences
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