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On Slangy Vocabulary in Khujand Dialect


Sayfitdinova Munira Rakhmatova, Khodjayeva Mukaddas Olimovna


Non-normative vocabulary‚ in particular, a slangy one, is considered as the mostly scantily studied branch in the field of the Tajik socio-linguistics. Besides commonly used references in manuals on modern Tajik language there is not enough information dealing with the linguistic phenomenon in question.

The article dwells on the analysis of slangy vocabulary expressing the notion of «vodka». The authors explored about thirty words and word-combinations, those ones which are resorted to an expression of the notion of «vodka» by people‚ associated by a permanent interest in using stiff drinks. In this regard‚ they canvassed the ways of slangy vocabulary upspringing‚ in particular, penetration of such words into Tajik from other languages; their etymology and principles of word-building being taken into consideration as well. It is marked that among slangy vocabulary denoting the notion of «vodka» which constitute approximately 50% of words befall primordial Tajik ones, Arabic‚ Russian and German words which penetrated into Tajik through the Russian language‚ Turkic borrowings are encountered too.


discourse culture, language norm ‚ Khujand dialect‚ jargonisms‚ standard‚ non-standard‚ word-building means related to jargonisms


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Publication date

Thursday, 30 June 2016