In the system of noun phrases a particular position is occupied by the formations between the components of which we can observe quantitative relations in Modern Tajik as well as in present day English.Depending on lexico-semantic peculiarities of the nucleus such phrases are divided into four groups. In the article each of them got its structural characteristics in details. On the basis of quantitative semantics expressed by such formations the latters are divided into two groups. To the first group there refer such two members noun phrases – the adjunct of which denotes a concrete quantity of objects. Into the second group we include such phrases the adjuncts of which expresses indefinite number of objects in the form of a particular scale of totality. In the first case the notion of quantity is expressed by means of cardinal numerals, but in the second case this notion finds its expression by means of some numerative.
Modern English uses as a means of communication subordination agreement, i.e. nucleus agrees in number with adjunct, but in Modern Tajik, is similar phrases, adjunct is subordinated by means of izafet “-и” as a substantive word is always used in the singular form without isofat. In the majority of cases there is a complete structural identity in the formation of such word groups in Modern English and Tajik, though some differences are not excluded
noun phrases, word-combinations numeratives, quantitative relations, structural model, expression of quantity, means of communication, isomorphism
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