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Some Problems of Criticism in Reference to New Tajik Literature of the 20-ies of the xx-th Century [Commentary to one Article by Sharifjon Khuseynzade in the Journal “Rahbary Donish” (Guide to Knowledge)]


Saidkhodjaeva Malikahon Aliyevna


The article dwells on the value of the first articles of “Rahbary Donish” journal devoted to the analysis of the problems beset with the new  Tajik literature, to criticism of djadidism and its leaders, Abdurauf Fitrat and his works “The Indian Traveller” and “Polemics”, in particular. Special attention is paid to the cycle of articles “Struggle at the Front of Tajik Literature” belonging to well-known literary critic Sharif Khusein-zade; the work possessing certain significance by realization of the essence of the revolutionary transformations happened at the beginning of the XX-th century and disclosure of their role in the destiny of the Tajik nation and Tajik literature. It is underscored that the problems of djadidism, its rise and social gyst in the first decades of the XX -th century, those ones of general availability and simplification of the Tajik language, Russian language studies are put burningly. The author conducted an analysis of the improvements of literary productions achieved by Fitrat, Aini, Behbudi, Azizi and others on the basis of the first publications of “Rahbary Donish”.


modern Tajik literature, literary criticism, criticism of new Tajik literature, journal “Rahbary Donish”, Sharifjon Khuseynzade,  Abdurauf  Fitrat


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8. Khuseynzoda Sh. Struggle at the Tajik Literary Front // Sh. Khuseynzoda // Rahbary Donish. -1930. - №№4-5( 31-32). - pp.27-28

9. Khuseynzoda Sh. Struggle at the Tajik Literary Front (continuation of the content printed in №№ 4-5) // Sh. Khuseynzoda // RahbaryDonish. -1930. - №6 (33). - pp.19-20.

Publication date

Tuesday, 28 November 2017